
Today's spider web

Así pues, por razones memorablemente nostálgicas:

You're so nice,
you tie me in a web
and cradle me till dawn.
You're so deadly
that I can see your breath
beneath me when you're gone.
You're so windy,
I'd like to pin you down
and tack you to the wall.

Spider Sunday,
you blaze up from the South
with oil on your hands.
I'm streaked in grease and grime,
and idle mouths,
you spoiled all my plans.

I can't take more of that... I can't take more of that?
Tiny truck stop,
you lay me in a towel,
and savour me like a lamb.
You smell of corduroy and lemon drops,
and reds pulled from a can
I dream in black and white
I've long forgot exactly who I am.
A spiderman.

1 comentarios:

A las 10/17/2008 9:28 p. m. , Blogger Lara ha dicho...

Oh, me encanta esa canción, hacía tiempo que no la escuchaba :_)


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